Do you feel like your blog isn’t getting the respect it deserves? That you spend hours researching, writing, and reworking posts, only for them to have a few dozen readers and a handful of shares? That all the effort you put in isn’t worth it?
The main reasons we write is to connect with our audience. We want to know that our carefully crafted thoughts and opinions are being heard and appreciated. If we’re writing for our business, we also want to know that people are buying what we’re selling – figuratively and literally!
While there are many things that can help build your blog’s reach, there’s only one that guarantees your audience won’t grow – a lack of clarity. Being unclear on the who, how, and why of your posts will make it harder for your audience to engage with the content and, by extension, your business.

If you’re worried your posts aren’t being read, here are a few things to watch out for…
You have a clear view of your audience
While your content may be accessible to anyone with an internet connection, your target audience needs to be far more niche. Knowing who you want your posts to reach will help determine everything from the topics you write about to the language and imagery you use. Before you begin writing, think about your ideal reader – how old they are, where they live, what their interests are, how they see themselves, an how you would like them to connect with your business – and tailor your content to them.
You have a clear point of view
With over 4.4 million posts published every day, blog readers are spoilt for choice when it comes to where they get their information. As a writer, this means two things – it’s highly likely that there are already multiple posts on any topic you choose and that a different approach is required to set yourself apart. Beyond just being an information source, your posts need to express an opinion – a unique take on the subject that can only come from someone with your specialised skills and experience.
You’re expressing a clear personality
Building on the above, one of the best ways to make your posts standout from the crowd is to give them a defined personality. When you write, try to inject some of your personal flair – your humour, emotion, and personal anecdotes – into your pieces. Not only will this differentiate your content from the competition, it will help improve audience engagement, as they will have a greater sense of who you are and what you stand for.
You have a clear plan for promotion
It doesn’t matter how good your content is if people aren’t aware of it. As such, actively promoting your posts is crucial if you want to grow your audience. Whether it’s via your social media, email updates to your subscribers, or engaging influencers and other prominent figures in your industry, you need to have a comprehensive and structured approach to making people aware of your updates.
Questions? I’d be happy to hear from you – [email protected]
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