Are you a member of a Forum that allows you to post links to your website in your signature file?
This is a really powerful tool that all internet marketers should utilize to the max. If you are in a forum, it is hugely likely that it will be populated by people with you have some sort of affinity, who will be interested in your product or service, right?
While it is OK to have the url for your website, e.g. – under your name, it is much more powerful, and a lot less ugly to have the words “Internet Business Events” there instead, hyperlinked to your site.
So here is how you do it in most forums:
To get the words: Stay Up To Date With Internet Business Events
You need to type in the following:
Stay up to date with [url=]Internet Marketing Events[/url]
Insert your own website url after the http://… and the words you want to link from in place of the “internet marketing events” in my example.
Good luck.
That’s great! I’ve been looking everywhere for this code. Thanks Kerry
Great code Kerry, I could never make it work but now I know I will, Thanks again Kerry, you rock!
Great code Kerry, I could never make it work but now I know I will, Thanks again Kerry, you rock!