What type of written content can you provide?
I provide several different types of content, and these grow as digital marketing strategies are developed. Currently, and in the past, I have delivered blog posts, web page content, video scripts, press releases, white papers, lead gen reports, emails, and case studies. Many of my client start by ordering content for their website pages and go on to have a recurring blog post arrangement.
What types of businesses use your content writing services?
I work both with digital marketing agencies, writing content for their clients, and directly with business owners.
Do you do layouts for reports and ebooks?
No. I am not a graphic designer and believe these should be left to the experts. I provide written content only.
What types of topics can you write about? Do you have a specialty?
I have been providing well researched content for well over 10 years, and in that time I have written on: the law (US and Australian), property development (US and Australia), trades (including electrical, plumbing, tree services), men’s and women’s health, fitness, and well-being, breastfeeding, motherhood, fashion, gifts, mining and heavy industry, construction and renovation, allied health (including acupuncture, massage, chiropractic, physiotherapy), urban planning, accounting, environmental topics….. the list is extensive.
What is the difference between blog posts and web page (landing page) content?
You website pages are usually regarded as ‘static’ meaning that once they are written, they remain pretty much unchanged. Of course, over time there will need to be updates or amendments.
However, blog posts are fresh content that are added as individuals over time, posted within an Blog or News section of your website.
Why is it important to have blog posts?
The search engines regularly visit your website to look for (a) new content, and (b) to assess the relevance of the content there. The more frequent the (well-written and relevant) updates, the more often the search engines will return and list the new pages. The easiest way to add new, fresh, and original content is through blog posts.
If a site is stagnant, the less often it will be visited by the search engines.
Can you post content to my website or social media pages?
I can, but prefer not to. There are elements of Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) that should be incorporated in these, and again, this is best left to experts in this area. To do it thoroughly, it’s not as simple as cutting and pasting content and pressing the “Publish” button.
How much do you charge?
This depends on the type and length of content, the size of the order, the clients’ businesses (e.g. medical, legal and engineering topics attract a premium), and whether the project is a one-off or part of an ongoing relationship.
Do you have a minimum order?
Yes, my minimum order is AUD800, or AUD800/month. This includes the considerable amount of research we do to fully understand the project, the writing, editing, and proofreading.
What is the delivery time?
At your initial enquiry I can give you an indication of lead time. Once I have received the completed survey and payment, I can give you a firm delivery date. Depending on my schedule, this is usually within 2-3 weeks.
Do you have any references?
Here are some Testimonials for Kerry Finch Writing
Where are you located?
I live on the beautiful Sunshine Coast of Queensland, Australia, but find myself in different parts of the country, or the world, often. Unless I am searching the jungles of Northern Sumatra for orangu-tan, or in other remote areas, I am contactable by phone or email.
Where are your clients located?
My great clients are currently located in the US, Australia, Singapore, China, and the UK.
Where are your writers located?
My very talented team are located in North America and Australia, and my proofreader is in New Zealand. I have trained them all to a very high standard, and all have been with me for many years.
More questions?

If you have any more questions, or would like to discuss how we can work together on your next project, I invite you to email me ([email protected]), or phone me on +61 412656208.