One vital element of Google-approved search engine optimisation (SEO) is the creation of original content that is relevant to your audience. For that content to deliver the best possible outcomes, it …
Is Recruitment Dead? The Role of Recruitment in the Gig Economy
According to a survey conducted by the American Staffing Association, a large majority of American workers – approximately 78 percent – view the gig economy as a new form of nontraditional work …
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Marketing and Networking Needs in the Gig Economy
In the professional world today, individuals must, to some degree, understand how to market themselves in order to be successful. This is especially true for professionals employed in the gig …
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How User Testing Can Guide Your Content Strategy
Knowing what works and what doesn’t before going “all-in” on a project means reducing risk and it can save you both time and money. This is why a growing number of businesses are taking the time to …
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