Blogs are important web properties for law practices. Lawyers blogs are web pages, components of websites or stand-alone websites devoted to discussions of top legal issues confronting existing and potential clients of law firms. Blogs are can be highly interactive and engage its visitors through comments, sharing tools and subscription options. Highly popular among Internet users, blogs attract numerous site visits and rank well in search engines.
When writing articles for legal blogs, a combination of legal writing skills and SEO (search engine optimisation) writing is crucial.
Legal writing
Internet users without a legal background often need information on legal terms and phrases they encounter in business or other situations. Lawyers blogs may contain legal jargon but the legal content writer must keep their use to a minimum and expound their concepts in clear and simple language for the ordinary site visitor to understand.
Keyword usage
Keywords used in sufficient quantity and in appropriate portions of a legal blog have the power to attract search engines for higher rankings in search results pages. Legal content writers must have the skill to construct cohesive blog articles while using targeted keywords in a logical manner, making blog content search engine friendly and compelling enough for site visitors to contact the law firm.
Fresh content
Blogs are regularly updated, unlike law firm web copy which contains law practice and attorney profile information that generally remain unchanged unless new circumstances arise. Blogs containing quality information eventually develop a loyal following, also known as subscribers, particularly when new articles for legal blogs are published regularly. New articles containing targeted keywords will also attract search engines which tend to rank fresh, unique and relevant content high up in search results. Thus, posting new articles for legal blogs is an effective strategy for improved search rankings and growing law firm client base.
Social media integration
Popular social networks such as Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn can significantly boost popularity and relevance scores of legal blogs through sharing and other tools which automatically publish status updates of new content posted in legal blogs. Social networks can create inbound links to a legal blog, increasing its popularity and improving its search rankings.
The success of legal practice lies in the amount of trust and the perception of authority that potential clients have for an attorney or law firm. Articles for lawyers blogs can build authority in a field of law, demonstrate legal expertise in a particular area of practice and professionalism which potential clients look for in an attorney. A legal content writer can start a legal blog and feed it regularly with articles on current issues, new developments and popular topics in law.
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